Limit Breaker

Using education technology to promote youth mental health well-being

Limit Breaker is driven by a singular, passionate mission: to harness the power of technology to cultivate an educational environment where every student can flourish according to their unique learning strengths and needs. We believe that innovative tools such as machine learning and immersive gaming, when used conscientiously, can bring about a transformative shift in our classrooms. Our goal is to deliver an adaptive, engaging learning experience that is calibrated in real-time to each child's comprehension and motivation levels. We believe this is not about machines supplanting human interaction, but about empowering humans to reach their full potential.

At Limit Breaker, we see the future of education as a place where every child embarks on a personalized learning journey that inspires confidence and passion. We envision an environment where students can shape their own growth trajectories and follow their interests and abilities.

To ensure we're truly making a difference, we are dedicated to rigorous validation of these technologies and avoiding the pitfalls of blind faith in technological solutions. We are excited about the potential to elevate education when innovation is rooted in genuine human understanding. Join us as we chart a course towards a future where every student's creativity and potential are nurtured through data-driven, emotionally intelligent educational games.

Charles Reilly Interview

From the YT description
Welcome to the inaugural episode of The OG Show, a podcast like no other. We bring to you stories and lessons from gritty entrepreneurs and personalities from all walks of life.

In our first episode, we take a deep dive into the journey of Charles Reilly, who is a legend in the Esports industry. Charlie started Generation Esports as a college dropout and single dad to twins. It was never easy for Charlie, but he persisted for years and went on to raise $29m, take Esports to 5000+ schools and acquire over 200000 users.

A business builder like no other, Charlie's journey and lessons from sales will truly inspire you in your own entrepreneurial journey, no matter which stage you are at.


Specialized AI Tools with Mental Health and Wellness at their core

Personalized learning experiences

Data driven insights